Combo Pack Of 9 Books R.L Kashyap : Hymns on Creation | Essentials of Upanishads | Ganapati Brahmanaspati & Kumara | Essentials of Tantra | Further Lights on the Veda | How to Manifest Bliss | 100 Bruhat Saman Mantras from Rig Veda | Health and Healing Mantra-s | Agni in Rig Veda – First 300 Mantra-s by 12 Rishi-s

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R L Kashyap | T.V Kapali Sastry
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Omnibus/Box Set (Paperback)


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  1. Essentials of Upanishads :- This book is addressed to those who are interested in the rich Hindu Heritage and Vedic culture, but may not be academics or scholars. The quotations from the Upanishads are in footnotes so that a person who does not know Sanskrit can read the book smoothly. All the ten major Upanishads printed in Devanagari need a book of 500 pages of this size. Introducing all the important ideas of Upanishads in a book of 100 pages is a daunting task. In this book, we have not only responded to the special topics requested by our well-wishers, but have covered information not available in other books on Upanishads. Our intention is to draw the reader’s attention to several topics of interest in everyday life, so that he/she can do more reading and pondering. The topics covered here are the relations of the Upanishads to Veda mantras, Vedanta and Indian philosophy in general. The 12 anecdotes given here throw a wealth of light on the way of life in the Upanishad period, more specifically the period of Chhandogya Upanishad. A common topic of interest to many of our readers is the educational system. Was it home schooling or residential schools? What was the age when the boys went to these residential schools? What was the duration? Did all the teachers belong to brahmin caste? Were those who were not brahmins turned away? Did some persons in their middle age go to a teacher for instruction? The book included essays on Brahman, the bliss, Truth, Infinity and Knowledge.
  2. Ganapati Brahmanaspati and Kumara (Mantras from Rig Veda, Yajur Veda and Upanishdas) :-Ganapati or Brahmanaspati is a Cosmic power. He leads the aspirant on the divine path appropriate to that persons. He removes all the obstacles in the path. Obstacle is something that obstructs human movement or progress. Nature places these obstacles to test one’s perseverance. If one is serious about his/her movement towards progress, a clear guidance comes for the course of action. The present book carries several mantras from the Veda in the context. Chanting them with faith suggests a course of action.
  3. Essentials of Tantra :- The tantras aim to bring to the front the bliss which is latent in us. This book aims to convey briefly a variety of knowledge needed for living a harmonious, progressive and satisfying life. This book provides an overview of Tantra, how to begin, Tantra sadhana, five schools of practice including vama marga, books on tantra, Chakras, Kundalini a most importantly, its connection with Veda, Yoga and Mantras. A special chapter on Sri Chakra is a particular highlight. Overall, it provides a comprehensive view of Tantra.
  4. Agni in Rig Veda – First 300 Mantra-s by 12 Rishi-s :- Agni is the most important, the most universal of the Vedic gods. In the physical world he is the general devours and enjoyer. He is also the purifier; when he devours and enjoys then also he purifies. He is the fire that prepares and perfects; he is also the fire that assimilates and the heat of energy that forms. He is the heat of life and creates the sap, the rasa in things, the essence of their substantial being and the essence of their delight.He is equally the will in Prana, the dynamic Life-energy, and in that energy performs the same functions. Devouring and enjoying, purifying, preparing, assimilating, forming, he rises upwards always and transfigures his powers into the Maruts, the energies of Mind. Our passions and obscure emotions are the smoke of Agni’s burning. All our nervous forces are assured of their action only by his support.If he is the will on our nervous being and purifiles it by action, he is also the will in the mind and clarifies it by aspiration. When he enters into the intellect, he is drawing near to his divine birthplace and home. He leads the thoughts towards effective power; he leads the active energies towards light.
  5. Hymns on Creation: – Heaven & Ancient Fathers in the Veda and Upanishads: The book “Hymns on Creation – Heaven & Ancient Fathers in the Veda and Upanishads” by R. L. Kashyap is a remarkable work that delves into the profound wisdom contained in the Vedic scriptures and Upanishads. The author, R. L. Kashyap, is a renowned scholar and spiritual teacher who has dedicated his life to the study and interpretation of ancient Indian texts. This book focuses on hymns that explore the themes of creation, heaven, and the ancient fathers, as found in the Vedic literature and Upanishads. These hymns are not only of immense religious and philosophical significance but also provide valuable insights into the spiritual heritage of India. R. L. Kashyap’s approach to presenting these hymns is scholarly and insightful. He offers a deep analysis and interpretation of the verses, making them accessible to modern readers while preserving their traditional essence. His commentary helps readers understand the symbolic and metaphysical meanings embedded in these hymns, shedding light on the spiritual teachings and philosophy of the Vedic and Upanishadic traditions. The book is an invaluable resource for those interested in Indian philosophy, spirituality, and the ancient wisdom contained in these sacred texts. It provides a bridge between the ancient knowledge of the Vedas and the contemporary world, making these profound teachings relevant and applicable to our lives today. “Hymns on Creation – Heaven & Ancient Fathers in the Veda and Upanishads” is a testament to R. L. Kashyap’s expertise in the field of Vedic and Upanishadic studies and serves as an essential guide for anyone seeking to explore the depths of India’s spiritual and philosophical heritage.
  6. Health and Healing Mantra-s :-How to Maintain Holistic Health -Both Atharva Veda and Rig Veda have a large number of verses or mantra-s dealing with the healing arts and the promotion of healthy longevity.AV(11.6.14) calls the Atharva Veda as the Veda of healing arts (bheshajam). Ayurveda, the science of health in ancient and medieval India(which is having a renaissance both in India and abroad) is called an Upa-Veda or auxiliary Veda of Atharva Veda.
  7. Further Lights on the Veda :- This book is part of the plan to bring out newer lights on Vedas by Sri TV Kapali Sastry. It is presented in 8 chapters focusing on Sri Aurobindo and Veda, Initiation & The Mystic Fire, tat Ekam, Agni, Devah, Apri suktas, outward rites & inner meaning and lastly, on four parts of speech. This is a fascinating book for readers interested in the inner meanings of Veda and its application in daily life.


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  1. Essentials of Upanishads :- This book is addressed to those who are interested in the rich Hindu Heritage and Vedic culture, but may not be academics or scholars. The quotations from the Upanishads are in footnotes so that a person who does not know Sanskrit can read the book smoothly. All the ten major Upanishads printed in Devanagari need a book of 500 pages of this size. Introducing all the important ideas of Upanishads in a book of 100 pages is a daunting task. In this book, we have not only responded to the special topics requested by our well-wishers, but have covered information not available in other books on Upanishads. Our intention is to draw the reader’s attention to several topics of interest in everyday life, so that he/she can do more reading and pondering. The topics covered here are the relations of the Upanishads to Veda mantras, Vedanta and Indian philosophy in general. The 12 anecdotes given here throw a wealth of light on the way of life in the Upanishad period, more specifically the period of Chhandogya Upanishad. A common topic of interest to many of our readers is the educational system. Was it home schooling or residential schools? What was the age when the boys went to these residential schools? What was the duration? Did all the teachers belong to brahmin caste? Were those who were not brahmins turned away? Did some persons in their middle age go to a teacher for instruction? The book included essays on Brahman, the bliss, Truth, Infinity and Knowledge.
  2. Ganapati Brahmanaspati and Kumara (Mantras from Rig Veda, Yajur Veda and Upanishdas) :-Ganapati or Brahmanaspati is a Cosmic power. He leads the aspirant on the divine path appropriate to that persons. He removes all the obstacles in the path. Obstacle is something that obstructs human movement or progress. Nature places these obstacles to test one’s perseverance. If one is serious about his/her movement towards progress, a clear guidance comes for the course of action. The present book carries several mantras from the Veda in the context. Chanting them with faith suggests a course of action.
  3. Essentials of Tantra :- The tantras aim to bring to the front the bliss which is latent in us. This book aims to convey briefly a variety of knowledge needed for living a harmonious, progressive and satisfying life. This book provides an overview of Tantra, how to begin, Tantra sadhana, five schools of practice including vama marga, books on tantra, Chakras, Kundalini a most importantly, its connection with Veda, Yoga and Mantras. A special chapter on Sri Chakra is a particular highlight. Overall, it provides a comprehensive view of Tantra.
  4. Agni in Rig Veda – First 300 Mantra-s by 12 Rishi-s :- Agni is the most important, the most universal of the Vedic gods. In the physical world he is the general devours and enjoyer. He is also the purifier; when he devours and enjoys then also he purifies. He is the fire that prepares and perfects; he is also the fire that assimilates and the heat of energy that forms. He is the heat of life and creates the sap, the rasa in things, the essence of their substantial being and the essence of their delight.He is equally the will in Prana, the dynamic Life-energy, and in that energy performs the same functions. Devouring and enjoying, purifying, preparing, assimilating, forming, he rises upwards always and transfigures his powers into the Maruts, the energies of Mind. Our passions and obscure emotions are the smoke of Agni’s burning. All our nervous forces are assured of their action only by his support.If he is the will on our nervous being and purifiles it by action, he is also the will in the mind and clarifies it by aspiration. When he enters into the intellect, he is drawing near to his divine birthplace and home. He leads the thoughts towards effective power; he leads the active energies towards light.
  5. Hymns on Creation: – Heaven & Ancient Fathers in the Veda and Upanishads: The book “Hymns on Creation – Heaven & Ancient Fathers in the Veda and Upanishads” by R. L. Kashyap is a remarkable work that delves into the profound wisdom contained in the Vedic scriptures and Upanishads. The author, R. L. Kashyap, is a renowned scholar and spiritual teacher who has dedicated his life to the study and interpretation of ancient Indian texts. This book focuses on hymns that explore the themes of creation, heaven, and the ancient fathers, as found in the Vedic literature and Upanishads. These hymns are not only of immense religious and philosophical significance but also provide valuable insights into the spiritual heritage of India. R. L. Kashyap’s approach to presenting these hymns is scholarly and insightful. He offers a deep analysis and interpretation of the verses, making them accessible to modern readers while preserving their traditional essence. His commentary helps readers understand the symbolic and metaphysical meanings embedded in these hymns, shedding light on the spiritual teachings and philosophy of the Vedic and Upanishadic traditions. The book is an invaluable resource for those interested in Indian philosophy, spirituality, and the ancient wisdom contained in these sacred texts. It provides a bridge between the ancient knowledge of the Vedas and the contemporary world, making these profound teachings relevant and applicable to our lives today. “Hymns on Creation – Heaven & Ancient Fathers in the Veda and Upanishads” is a testament to R. L. Kashyap’s expertise in the field of Vedic and Upanishadic studies and serves as an essential guide for anyone seeking to explore the depths of India’s spiritual and philosophical heritage.
  6. Health and Healing Mantra-s :-How to Maintain Holistic Health -Both Atharva Veda and Rig Veda have a large number of verses or mantra-s dealing with the healing arts and the promotion of healthy longevity.AV(11.6.14) calls the Atharva Veda as the Veda of healing arts (bheshajam). Ayurveda, the science of health in ancient and medieval India(which is having a renaissance both in India and abroad) is called an Upa-Veda or auxiliary Veda of Atharva Veda.
  7. Further Lights on the Veda :- This book is part of the plan to bring out newer lights on Vedas by Sri TV Kapali Sastry. It is presented in 8 chapters focusing on Sri Aurobindo and Veda, Initiation & The Mystic Fire, tat Ekam, Agni, Devah, Apri suktas, outward rites & inner meaning and lastly, on four parts of speech. This is a fascinating book for readers interested in the inner meanings of Veda and its application in daily life.

About Author

Dr. R. L. Kashyap is Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana in USA. He had his Master's degree from' Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru and obtained Ph.D. from Harvard University. He is the recipient of many International awards. In 2003 he has received 'Vedanga Vidvan' award instituted by Maharshi Sandipani Vedavidya Pratishthan (Ujjain), an autonomous body of HRD, Govt. of India. He has authored more than 350 research articles of which 220 are published in scholarly journals and the rest were presented at conferences. He has guided above 50 doctoral students. He has written extensively on Veda. Some of his widely read books on Veda are: 'Krishna Yajur Veda Taittiriya Samhita' (4 Volumes), 'Rig Veda Samhita' -(12 Volumes), Sarna Veda (2 Volumes), 'Why Read Rig Veda', 'Rudra mantras', 'Essentials of Rig Veda', 'Essentials of Yajur Veda', 'Essentials of Sarna Veda', 'Work, Enjoyment & Progress'. He is the Founder and the Honorary Director of Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, Bengaluru.

Sri T.V. Kapali Sastry was a versatile genius. He excelled in whatever field he worked. Among his several services to the national heritage, the one which comes most prominently to the mind is his solid contribution in building a strong bridge between the ancient past the evolutionary thought of the present. Following the trail of his masters, first of Vasishtha Ganapati Muni and then of Sri Aurobindo, he unearthed many a truth that underlies concealed within the cryptic utterances of the Veda. In the great adventure of reinterpreting veda-s to us along the lines of Sri Arobindo, Sri Kapali Sastry played a significant part.Sri TVK's writings on the Upanishads, especially on the various Vedya-s, disciplines, that are described briefly and crytically in the originals, are a treasure of mystic lore.Sri TVK's writings are in four languages namely English, Tamil, Telugu and Sanskrit. Saskrit was more natural to him. All his writings are collected and published in eleven volumes.Sri TVK regarded himself as a Tantrik, first and last. He was a profound votary and a masterful adept in the mantra shastra. It is on record how his Mantra Japa turned the tide lives of many in distress.


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