Land and People of the World

Gyan Books
| Author:
Sir Harry Johnston
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This multiple volume (3 volumes) is a rare and monumental work of the well renowned historian. These volumes have been designed to impart all knowledge about history, science, literature and art about all the world not in a comprehensive manner but in their essential outlines. These unique work also conveys to the minds of the readers a clear and definite impression of the immense variety of life and romance, the natural beauties and treasures of other lands. This work likes to impart first hand knowledge to those who have not got the opportinities to travel abroad. It will take the reader right into the atmosphere of lives of the various nations of the wrold. It imparts the joys and pleasures, their sports, their pagelants and their ideals at the same time with great accuracy, comprehensiveness and entertaining information. The work is fully illustrated with least pictures and photographs.


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This multiple volume (3 volumes) is a rare and monumental work of the well renowned historian. These volumes have been designed to impart all knowledge about history, science, literature and art about all the world not in a comprehensive manner but in their essential outlines. These unique work also conveys to the minds of the readers a clear and definite impression of the immense variety of life and romance, the natural beauties and treasures of other lands. This work likes to impart first hand knowledge to those who have not got the opportinities to travel abroad. It will take the reader right into the atmosphere of lives of the various nations of the wrold. It imparts the joys and pleasures, their sports, their pagelants and their ideals at the same time with great accuracy, comprehensiveness and entertaining information. The work is fully illustrated with least pictures and photographs.

About Author

This multiple volume (3 volumes) is a rare and monumental work of the well renowned historian. These volumes have been designed to impart all knowledge about history, science, literature and art about all the world not in a comprehensive manner but in their essential outlines. These unique work also conveys to the minds of the readers a clear and definite impression of the immense variety of life and romance, the natural beauties and treasures of other lands. This work likes to impart first hand knowledge to those who have not got the opportinities to travel abroad. It will take the reader right into the atmosphere of lives of the various nations of the wrold. It imparts the joys and pleasures, their sports, their pagelants and their ideals at the same time with great accuracy, comprehensiveness and entertaining information. The work is fully illustrated with least pictures and photographs.


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