San Gachadhvam

Garuda Prakashan
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Anjesh Barnwal
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‘सिन्धु तट का अनाम गाँव’ लेखक अञ्जेश बरनवाल द्वारा लिखित संगच्छध्वम् शृंखला का प्रथम खण्ड है।

ऋग्वेद में वर्णित बिखरे हुए मनकों को बड़ी ही सुन्दरता और रोचकता के साथ एक माला के रूप में पिरोते हुए इस कहानी की रचना की गई है। आज से हजारों वर्ष पूर्व हमारे पूर्वजों ने अपने कर्मों से जिस सभ्यता की जड़ों को रोपा था, यह उपन्यास उन जड़ों को बड़े ही सरल और सहज रूप में बखूबी बयाँ करता है।

4 reviews for San Gachadhvam

  1. Divyani Koushik

    “Sangachchhdhwam” is a thought-provoking and insightful book that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the interconnectedness of all living beings. The author’s writing style is captivating and draws the reader in, making it difficult to put the book down. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the story is both engaging and thought-provoking. The book offers a fresh perspective on the human experience and leaves the reader with a sense of introspection and contemplation. Overall, “Sangachchhdhwam” is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the depths of human connection and the impact of our actions on the world around us.

  2. Utkarsh Mishra

    This book (1 of the trilogy), is an artistic endeavour which encourages to construct a Vedic inspired lifestyle & teachings into the modern prospect. This novel aims to bring out fundamental teachings of Rigved to life with an interesting tapestry of story.

    The story begins with an ordinary day in author’s family during the first COVID LOCKDOWN where on the dinner table, after having few words with parents, author’s children left curious and keen to dig more insights into their religious history & teachings from the past. Being queried from his daughter, author did experience a reflection of curiosities sojourn in children which sometimes leave elders stun and compel to ponder. Leaving his daughter’s curiosity unanswered, author went to sleep. Where he was about to witness a once in a lifetime dream which he would be going to remember forever.

    One fateful night, he saw his children sneaking out from home and leaving for an undestined destination to quench their inquisitiveness to know more on their culture heritage. Meandering their way out, the children reached to the ruins from the times of Indus Valley Civilisation. They paused for a while and decided to move towards Himalayas. Advancing further they reached to an entrance of a cave where a perfect articulation of a sound “ॐ” was coming from. Inside the cave, both the children met Rishi Vedvyas. And the onus for quenching thirst of both the seekers was now on the great rishi himself and it was the moment from where this beautiful story based on our vedic past unfolds.

    Story of an unnamed village on the banks of River Sindhu which was a home to a Karma-based society. People were woven together with their duties and working tirelessly to transform their village into a thriving, prosperous and self-reliant town. The people of the village were hardworking, religious and indeed were coalesced into one family acting like a spine to each other.

    A perfect blend of characters, rituals and wisdoms which are directly inspired or taken from Rigvedic Verses sets the story in a divine framework which instigates a spiritual awakening in the reader. Apart from spiritual channelling, this book evolves as an afflatus for modern day women. Women in Rigvedic period were essentially accoutred with huge capabilities. Where at one hand, they were good homemakers contributing same as men in social constructs, while on another hand, they were composers of divine Rigvedic hymes and even used to participate in arenas of war.

    The encapsulation of these superlative characters are well reflected in one such protagonist in the story named “Vishpala” who is directly inspired from the Queen Vishpala as mentioned in Rigved. Vishpala in the story is an idol for modern day women who, despite several challenges, never disinclined from her dharmic roots and continue to thrive with the obligations and responsibilities ordained upon her. Rigvedic period was certainly a period of Karma-based societies. And this one quality had always kept the society and its people intact and woven them into a thread of oneness.

    This pioneering effort of adaption of Rigvedic Hymes & Verses into a novel is highly praiseworthy. Materiality and religiosity of Rigvedic Literature, be it Janma, Shiksha, Arthshastra, Polity, Karma, Dharma, Daan-Dakshina, Mrityu, Yuddha and other such duties and remembrance of that time period, is skilfully weaved inside the book. Author’s well articulated prowess sends the readers back in time and make them feel as if they are inside the story.

    Book is written in an easy communicative language which beckons a large audience base perfectly taking people of any age group into consideration who have even an ounce of interest to acknowledge the roots of Sanatan and its philosophy. This mystical odyssey which brings both traditional & essential attributes of Rigvedic time period is highly commendable and looks very professional. I recommend this book personally and hope my fellow reader community gives out many praises to this out of ordinary work. I am grateful to Anjesh Ji for providing me an opportunity to be a reviewer of his masterwork. I wish this book many successes and I am eagerly waiting for the next part of the book to continue to enjoy this enchanting tale of wisdom and unity. Happy reading!

  3. avinish pathak

    ‘संगचछधवम्’ लेखक अनजेश बरनवाल द्वारा रचित बेहद उम्दा उपन्यास है, जिसमें उन्होंने ॠगवेद जैसे विषय को बखूबी पाठकों के समक्ष काल्पनिक कहानी के जरिए प्रस्तुत करने का सफल प्रयास किया है। यह कहानी मुख्य रूप से सिन्धु नदी के तट पर स्थित एक अनाम गाँव की है। जिसकी शुरूआत कोविड लाॅकडाउन के समय लेखक के परिवार में एक सामान्य दिन से होती है।

    किसी भी सांस्कृतिक एवं ऐतिहासिक घटना के बारे में पता लगाना अपने आप में वाकई काफ़ी रोचक अनुभव होता है। इस कहानी के ज़रिए लेखक ने जिस प्रकार सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता को दोबारा जीवित किया है, वो काबिल-ए-तारीफ।है। कई जगह आपको कहानी में तमाम उस दौर के तौर तरीकों और रहन-सहन पर भी बखूबी प्रकाश डालती है।

    बात अगर लेखक की लेखन शैली की करें तो यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा की इसमें एक गहराई जो पाठकों के दिलो-दिमाग पर गहरी छाप छोड़ती है।

    कुल मिलाकर मुझे यह पुस्तक बेहद पसंद आई और उम्मीद करता हूँ कि आपको भी यह पुस्तक बेहद पसंद आएगी।

  4. Aniket Pratap Singh

    In the contemporary world where many are unfamiliar with Vedic principles and lifestyles, author Anjesh Baranwal Ji presents a captivating literary work titled “संगच्छध्वम्.” This novel offers readers an immersive journey into a world rooted deeply in Rigvedic traditions, awakening a spiritual consciousness within them.

    The narrative is meticulously crafted to transport readers through different epochs of history, each highlighting the spiritual and karma-centric lifestyle prevalent during the Rigvedic era. Such a narrative sheds light on facets of life that many today are not acquainted with but should indeed explore.

    A unique aspect of the book is its portrayal of the roles and rights of women during the Rigvedic period. Contrary to popular misconceptions, women of that era were empowered with significant capabilities, rights, and authorities. Their roles and contributions form a crucial part of this enriching narrative.

    Historically, the transmission of knowledge in the Vedic era primarily occurred orally, with texts being a relatively late introduction. This oral tradition is still preserved in some Gurukuls today, prompting discussions about the future trajectory of physical books. While possessing a book facilitates easy access to information, the challenge lies in retaining such knowledge over extended periods. Anjesh Baranwal Ji’s novel beautifully encapsulates the essence of the Rigvedic era, prompting readers to delve deeper into its principles, characters, and traditions.

    The novel’s allure lies in its portrayal of various epochs, particularly the ‘vikshit sabhyata’ or evolved civilization, mirroring characters and settings from the Rigvedic period. Readers find themselves irresistibly drawn into this mesmerizing world, making it difficult to put the book down.

    Interestingly, the novel’s inception can be traced back to the COVID-19 lockdown period, a time when individuals were confined to their homes. A pivotal moment for the author came during a family meal when his daughter posed a thought-provoking question about the existence and whereabouts of eternal beings known as ‘chiranjivis.’

    This query ignited a deep curiosity within him, leading to a dream where he envisioned his children embarking on a journey to the ruins of the Indus Valley civilization. Here, they encounter the revered sage Ved Vyasa, initiating a captivating tale of the Rigvedic era.

    The narrative unfolds in the fertile lands of Uttar Bharatvarsha, where the Sindhu River flows abundantly. It traces the life of Bhavyavya and his wife, encapsulating their joys, struggles, and spiritual journey. With the blessings of their guru, they experience the joys of parenthood and navigate the complexities of life, showcasing the societal norms, economic structures, political dynamics, and religious practices prevalent during that era.

    The novel’s meticulous research and storytelling aim to dispel misconceptions surrounding the Rigvedic period while providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its societal, economic, political, and cultural milieu. By weaving together facts, events, and teachings from the Rigveda, Anjesh Baranwal Ji offers an informative yet objective perspective, making “संगच्छध्वम्” a must-read for those seeking to explore and understand the profound wisdom of the Rigvedic era.

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‘सिन्धु तट का अनाम गाँव’ लेखक अञ्जेश बरनवाल द्वारा लिखित संगच्छध्वम् शृंखला का प्रथम खण्ड है।

ऋग्वेद में वर्णित बिखरे हुए मनकों को बड़ी ही सुन्दरता और रोचकता के साथ एक माला के रूप में पिरोते हुए इस कहानी की रचना की गई है। आज से हजारों वर्ष पूर्व हमारे पूर्वजों ने अपने कर्मों से जिस सभ्यता की जड़ों को रोपा था, यह उपन्यास उन जड़ों को बड़े ही सरल और सहज रूप में बखूबी बयाँ करता है।

About Author

अञ्जेश बरनवाल का जन्म सन् 1973 में वैश्यकुल के एक व्यापारी परिवार में हुआ। गृह जनपद देवरिया में प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के उपरान्त उनकी माध्यमिक शिक्षा उत्तराखण्ड व हरियाणा स्थित विद्यालयों में सम्पन्न हुई। स्नातक व परास्नातक स्तर की शिक्षा लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय से पूर्ण करने के उपरान्त सन् 1999 की उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य की सिविल सेवा परीक्षा में उनका चयन हुआ। परिणति स्वरूप सन् 2001 में उनका पदार्पण राजकीय सेवा में हो गया। इस जीवन-काल में प्रत्यक्ष अथवा परोक्ष रूप से सम्पर्क में आए अनेक व्यक्तियों के प्रभाव के फलस्वरूप और देश-काल-जनित परिस्थितियों से प्रेरित होकर, अपने राजकीय दायित्वों के निर्वहन के साथ ही साथ, सन् 2020 में उन्होंने लेखनी उठाने का संकल्प लिया और आज एक लेखक के रूप में वे आपके समक्ष उपस्थित हैं।

4 reviews for San Gachadhvam

  1. Divyani Koushik

    “Sangachchhdhwam” is a thought-provoking and insightful book that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the interconnectedness of all living beings. The author’s writing style is captivating and draws the reader in, making it difficult to put the book down. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the story is both engaging and thought-provoking. The book offers a fresh perspective on the human experience and leaves the reader with a sense of introspection and contemplation. Overall, “Sangachchhdhwam” is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the depths of human connection and the impact of our actions on the world around us.

  2. Utkarsh Mishra

    This book (1 of the trilogy), is an artistic endeavour which encourages to construct a Vedic inspired lifestyle & teachings into the modern prospect. This novel aims to bring out fundamental teachings of Rigved to life with an interesting tapestry of story.

    The story begins with an ordinary day in author’s family during the first COVID LOCKDOWN where on the dinner table, after having few words with parents, author’s children left curious and keen to dig more insights into their religious history & teachings from the past. Being queried from his daughter, author did experience a reflection of curiosities sojourn in children which sometimes leave elders stun and compel to ponder. Leaving his daughter’s curiosity unanswered, author went to sleep. Where he was about to witness a once in a lifetime dream which he would be going to remember forever.

    One fateful night, he saw his children sneaking out from home and leaving for an undestined destination to quench their inquisitiveness to know more on their culture heritage. Meandering their way out, the children reached to the ruins from the times of Indus Valley Civilisation. They paused for a while and decided to move towards Himalayas. Advancing further they reached to an entrance of a cave where a perfect articulation of a sound “ॐ” was coming from. Inside the cave, both the children met Rishi Vedvyas. And the onus for quenching thirst of both the seekers was now on the great rishi himself and it was the moment from where this beautiful story based on our vedic past unfolds.

    Story of an unnamed village on the banks of River Sindhu which was a home to a Karma-based society. People were woven together with their duties and working tirelessly to transform their village into a thriving, prosperous and self-reliant town. The people of the village were hardworking, religious and indeed were coalesced into one family acting like a spine to each other.

    A perfect blend of characters, rituals and wisdoms which are directly inspired or taken from Rigvedic Verses sets the story in a divine framework which instigates a spiritual awakening in the reader. Apart from spiritual channelling, this book evolves as an afflatus for modern day women. Women in Rigvedic period were essentially accoutred with huge capabilities. Where at one hand, they were good homemakers contributing same as men in social constructs, while on another hand, they were composers of divine Rigvedic hymes and even used to participate in arenas of war.

    The encapsulation of these superlative characters are well reflected in one such protagonist in the story named “Vishpala” who is directly inspired from the Queen Vishpala as mentioned in Rigved. Vishpala in the story is an idol for modern day women who, despite several challenges, never disinclined from her dharmic roots and continue to thrive with the obligations and responsibilities ordained upon her. Rigvedic period was certainly a period of Karma-based societies. And this one quality had always kept the society and its people intact and woven them into a thread of oneness.

    This pioneering effort of adaption of Rigvedic Hymes & Verses into a novel is highly praiseworthy. Materiality and religiosity of Rigvedic Literature, be it Janma, Shiksha, Arthshastra, Polity, Karma, Dharma, Daan-Dakshina, Mrityu, Yuddha and other such duties and remembrance of that time period, is skilfully weaved inside the book. Author’s well articulated prowess sends the readers back in time and make them feel as if they are inside the story.

    Book is written in an easy communicative language which beckons a large audience base perfectly taking people of any age group into consideration who have even an ounce of interest to acknowledge the roots of Sanatan and its philosophy. This mystical odyssey which brings both traditional & essential attributes of Rigvedic time period is highly commendable and looks very professional. I recommend this book personally and hope my fellow reader community gives out many praises to this out of ordinary work. I am grateful to Anjesh Ji for providing me an opportunity to be a reviewer of his masterwork. I wish this book many successes and I am eagerly waiting for the next part of the book to continue to enjoy this enchanting tale of wisdom and unity. Happy reading!

  3. avinish pathak

    ‘संगचछधवम्’ लेखक अनजेश बरनवाल द्वारा रचित बेहद उम्दा उपन्यास है, जिसमें उन्होंने ॠगवेद जैसे विषय को बखूबी पाठकों के समक्ष काल्पनिक कहानी के जरिए प्रस्तुत करने का सफल प्रयास किया है। यह कहानी मुख्य रूप से सिन्धु नदी के तट पर स्थित एक अनाम गाँव की है। जिसकी शुरूआत कोविड लाॅकडाउन के समय लेखक के परिवार में एक सामान्य दिन से होती है।

    किसी भी सांस्कृतिक एवं ऐतिहासिक घटना के बारे में पता लगाना अपने आप में वाकई काफ़ी रोचक अनुभव होता है। इस कहानी के ज़रिए लेखक ने जिस प्रकार सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता को दोबारा जीवित किया है, वो काबिल-ए-तारीफ।है। कई जगह आपको कहानी में तमाम उस दौर के तौर तरीकों और रहन-सहन पर भी बखूबी प्रकाश डालती है।

    बात अगर लेखक की लेखन शैली की करें तो यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा की इसमें एक गहराई जो पाठकों के दिलो-दिमाग पर गहरी छाप छोड़ती है।

    कुल मिलाकर मुझे यह पुस्तक बेहद पसंद आई और उम्मीद करता हूँ कि आपको भी यह पुस्तक बेहद पसंद आएगी।

  4. Aniket Pratap Singh

    In the contemporary world where many are unfamiliar with Vedic principles and lifestyles, author Anjesh Baranwal Ji presents a captivating literary work titled “संगच्छध्वम्.” This novel offers readers an immersive journey into a world rooted deeply in Rigvedic traditions, awakening a spiritual consciousness within them.

    The narrative is meticulously crafted to transport readers through different epochs of history, each highlighting the spiritual and karma-centric lifestyle prevalent during the Rigvedic era. Such a narrative sheds light on facets of life that many today are not acquainted with but should indeed explore.

    A unique aspect of the book is its portrayal of the roles and rights of women during the Rigvedic period. Contrary to popular misconceptions, women of that era were empowered with significant capabilities, rights, and authorities. Their roles and contributions form a crucial part of this enriching narrative.

    Historically, the transmission of knowledge in the Vedic era primarily occurred orally, with texts being a relatively late introduction. This oral tradition is still preserved in some Gurukuls today, prompting discussions about the future trajectory of physical books. While possessing a book facilitates easy access to information, the challenge lies in retaining such knowledge over extended periods. Anjesh Baranwal Ji’s novel beautifully encapsulates the essence of the Rigvedic era, prompting readers to delve deeper into its principles, characters, and traditions.

    The novel’s allure lies in its portrayal of various epochs, particularly the ‘vikshit sabhyata’ or evolved civilization, mirroring characters and settings from the Rigvedic period. Readers find themselves irresistibly drawn into this mesmerizing world, making it difficult to put the book down.

    Interestingly, the novel’s inception can be traced back to the COVID-19 lockdown period, a time when individuals were confined to their homes. A pivotal moment for the author came during a family meal when his daughter posed a thought-provoking question about the existence and whereabouts of eternal beings known as ‘chiranjivis.’

    This query ignited a deep curiosity within him, leading to a dream where he envisioned his children embarking on a journey to the ruins of the Indus Valley civilization. Here, they encounter the revered sage Ved Vyasa, initiating a captivating tale of the Rigvedic era.

    The narrative unfolds in the fertile lands of Uttar Bharatvarsha, where the Sindhu River flows abundantly. It traces the life of Bhavyavya and his wife, encapsulating their joys, struggles, and spiritual journey. With the blessings of their guru, they experience the joys of parenthood and navigate the complexities of life, showcasing the societal norms, economic structures, political dynamics, and religious practices prevalent during that era.

    The novel’s meticulous research and storytelling aim to dispel misconceptions surrounding the Rigvedic period while providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its societal, economic, political, and cultural milieu. By weaving together facts, events, and teachings from the Rigveda, Anjesh Baranwal Ji offers an informative yet objective perspective, making “संगच्छध्वम्” a must-read for those seeking to explore and understand the profound wisdom of the Rigvedic era.

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