Sanskrit Bhagavad Gita Grammar (Set of 3 Volumes)

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(1) Arjuna-visada-yoga -‘The Yoga of Arjuna’s Despondence’: Observing the armies.

(2) Snakhya-yoga- The Yoga of Discrimination: The Lord raises His devotee Arjuna, who has fallen into the mire of despondency, by instructing him in the Yoga of wisdom.

(3) Karma-yoga- The Yoga of Work: Worshiping whom with devotin though the performance of their duties, the wise have attained liberation, that Lord should be worshiped through all acts.

(4) Jnana-karma-sannyasa-yoga – The Yoga of Knowledge and Renunciation of Work: The Lord teaches the twofold faith of activity and knowledge according to differences in conditions etc. amongst men.

(5) Karma-sannyasa-yoga – The Yoga of Renunciation of Work: He removes the doubt about an option between knowledge and selfless work and prescribes their combination in sequence.

(6) Atma-samyama-yoga – The Yoga of Self-control: He teaches the Yoga of the Self to Arjuna.

(7) Jnana-vijnana-yoga – The Yoga of Knowledge and Realization: The knowledge of Brahaman is attained without effort by the devotees of Krsna.

(8) Aksara-braham-yoga – The Yoga to the Supreme: A n easy attainment of the desired abode through the ascertainment of the meanings of eight specially desired questions is explicitely declared.

(9) Rajavidya-rajaguhya-Yoga – The Yoga of supreme Knowledge and Secret: The Lord speaks out of His grace about his own transcendental glory and the wonderful greatness of devotion.

(10) Vibhuti-Yoga- The Yoga of Meditation on Divine Glories: Even though the mind runs after external objects through the gates of the senses, to enjoin seeing God in everything, the Lord states His glories.

(11) Visvarupa-darsana-yoga- The Yoga of seeing the Universal Form: He shows to His devotee the universal form which is very difficult even for the gods to see or with millions of penances and sacrifices.

(12) bhakti-yoga- The yoga of Devotion: The way of the Unmanifest is difficult and is attained with many obstacles: therefore the wise man should take to the easier and noble path of devotion.

(13) Kestra-Kestrajna-vibhaga-yoga- The Yoga of Discrimination Between Body and Soul: The prakrti and purusa, which are mixed up, are accurately distinguished. (14) gunatraya-vibhaga-yoga-The Yoga of Discerning the Three Modes: The ocean of relative existence, which results from the attachment to the gunas, which are subservient to the Lord, is easily crossed by His devotees.

(15) Purusottama-yoga- The Yoga to the Lord: Heaving cut the mundane tree, the Lord teaches the supreme state.

(16) Daivasura-sampad-vibhaga-yoga- The Yoga of Discerning Divine and Demoniac Attributes: By differentiating between the divine and demoniac attributes, it is shown that the pure-souled alone are fit for the knowledge of Truth.

(17) Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yoga- The Yoga of Discerning Three Kinds of Faith: One who renounces rajasika and Tamasika Faith and takes recourse to sattvika faith, is fit for realization of the Truth.

(18) Moksa-sannyasa-yoga – The Yoga of Renunciation: He who is devoted to the Lord easily attains freedom from bondage by means of the knowledge of th self attained through His grace.


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(1) Arjuna-visada-yoga -‘The Yoga of Arjuna’s Despondence’: Observing the armies.

(2) Snakhya-yoga- The Yoga of Discrimination: The Lord raises His devotee Arjuna, who has fallen into the mire of despondency, by instructing him in the Yoga of wisdom.

(3) Karma-yoga- The Yoga of Work: Worshiping whom with devotin though the performance of their duties, the wise have attained liberation, that Lord should be worshiped through all acts.

(4) Jnana-karma-sannyasa-yoga – The Yoga of Knowledge and Renunciation of Work: The Lord teaches the twofold faith of activity and knowledge according to differences in conditions etc. amongst men.

(5) Karma-sannyasa-yoga – The Yoga of Renunciation of Work: He removes the doubt about an option between knowledge and selfless work and prescribes their combination in sequence.

(6) Atma-samyama-yoga – The Yoga of Self-control: He teaches the Yoga of the Self to Arjuna.

(7) Jnana-vijnana-yoga – The Yoga of Knowledge and Realization: The knowledge of Brahaman is attained without effort by the devotees of Krsna.

(8) Aksara-braham-yoga – The Yoga to the Supreme: A n easy attainment of the desired abode through the ascertainment of the meanings of eight specially desired questions is explicitely declared.

(9) Rajavidya-rajaguhya-Yoga – The Yoga of supreme Knowledge and Secret: The Lord speaks out of His grace about his own transcendental glory and the wonderful greatness of devotion.

(10) Vibhuti-Yoga- The Yoga of Meditation on Divine Glories: Even though the mind runs after external objects through the gates of the senses, to enjoin seeing God in everything, the Lord states His glories.

(11) Visvarupa-darsana-yoga- The Yoga of seeing the Universal Form: He shows to His devotee the universal form which is very difficult even for the gods to see or with millions of penances and sacrifices.

(12) bhakti-yoga- The yoga of Devotion: The way of the Unmanifest is difficult and is attained with many obstacles: therefore the wise man should take to the easier and noble path of devotion.

(13) Kestra-Kestrajna-vibhaga-yoga- The Yoga of Discrimination Between Body and Soul: The prakrti and purusa, which are mixed up, are accurately distinguished. (14) gunatraya-vibhaga-yoga-The Yoga of Discerning the Three Modes: The ocean of relative existence, which results from the attachment to the gunas, which are subservient to the Lord, is easily crossed by His devotees.

(15) Purusottama-yoga- The Yoga to the Lord: Heaving cut the mundane tree, the Lord teaches the supreme state.

(16) Daivasura-sampad-vibhaga-yoga- The Yoga of Discerning Divine and Demoniac Attributes: By differentiating between the divine and demoniac attributes, it is shown that the pure-souled alone are fit for the knowledge of Truth.

(17) Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yoga- The Yoga of Discerning Three Kinds of Faith: One who renounces rajasika and Tamasika Faith and takes recourse to sattvika faith, is fit for realization of the Truth.

(18) Moksa-sannyasa-yoga – The Yoga of Renunciation: He who is devoted to the Lord easily attains freedom from bondage by means of the knowledge of th self attained through His grace.

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