The Little Book Of Sanuk: The Thai Secret To A More Joyful Life

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Karen Sinotok
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Sanuk is a Thai concept that can loosely be translated as meaning ‘fun’. Though sanuk is in fact much more than that; it’s about achieving pleasure and joy in all aspects of life. For Thai people, if it’s not sanuk, it’s not worth doing. Thai people believe that it’s the little things that add up to a joyful life. Whether it’s raising happy kids, enjoying a quick chat with your neighbour or having a laugh with friends, they try to bring a sense of joy into their daily routines. This easygoing, fun-loving way of life is why Thailand is often called The Land of Smiles. But how can we learn to prioritise this sense of fun and pleasure in our own lives? With recent clinical studies showing a clear link between a person’s outlook on life and their health, a mindset of optimism and positivity has obvious benefits. Being a glass half full kind of person doesn’t just help us live longer, it helps us live better. Embracing sanuk and approaching life a glass-half-full attitude can make you happier, healthier and more productive – and this book will show you how.


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Sanuk is a Thai concept that can loosely be translated as meaning ‘fun’. Though sanuk is in fact much more than that; it’s about achieving pleasure and joy in all aspects of life. For Thai people, if it’s not sanuk, it’s not worth doing. Thai people believe that it’s the little things that add up to a joyful life. Whether it’s raising happy kids, enjoying a quick chat with your neighbour or having a laugh with friends, they try to bring a sense of joy into their daily routines. This easygoing, fun-loving way of life is why Thailand is often called The Land of Smiles. But how can we learn to prioritise this sense of fun and pleasure in our own lives? With recent clinical studies showing a clear link between a person’s outlook on life and their health, a mindset of optimism and positivity has obvious benefits. Being a glass half full kind of person doesn’t just help us live longer, it helps us live better. Embracing sanuk and approaching life a glass-half-full attitude can make you happier, healthier and more productive – and this book will show you how.

About Author

Karen Sinotok has been a successful writer and editor for many years. She is currently Features Director at Prima magazine, the UK’s 3rd best-selling women’s glossy with an audience reach of over 700,000. As a women’s magazine journalist in the 90s, she became tired of the daily grind, handed in her notice, and booked a trip to Thailand that would change her life. There, she met Sit, a fun-loving Thai and lived with him in a shifting community of travellers and Thais on a beautiful but remote beach for a couple of years. Every day was sanuk. Following the birth of their son, Siam, Karen and her family split their time between Thailand and London, and currently live by a rather stonier beach in Hove, East Sussex.


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